The Idea Behind Blackjack Split 10s + What Else is There?

Every strategy is stronger when it has clear motives. With blackjack, solid knowledge of card values and pairs, together with the number of moves per deal creates an interesting field of excitement. All those emotions should not distract you, but only motivate you to get familiar with every game detail, plus the rules of each casino. There are gambling halls and websites differentiating the number of splits and moves you are allowed to make. Read on and see our advices on certain tactics, especially regarding blackjack split 10s.
Benjamin Webb, Author at Written by: Benjamin Webb

Published: 4 January 2020

Proper Pair Split Matters

Blackjack Splits and Pairs

It is inevitable while playing blackjack not to be dealt a pair of equal rank cards. In such situations, the rules of the table and casino will determine your next steps. Better not underestimate such situations. Stay calm, follow your strategy and act accordingly, because each pair should be treated individually. After all, splitting is not the correct choice every time, just like with 10s. When it comes to having such a pair, splitting is highly avoided, but more on that in a minute.

The majority of blackjack versions allow split in two new hands. Once done, you are then dealt another card each hand and the bet you made is doubled. The game continues normally, with one difference – you have now double chance to beat the dealer (or loose). Blackjack split tens and not only, require your attention, thoughts and experience. Many newbies tend to split more often, but this tactic is usually wrong. But hey, there are not so many ten-card values and memorising certain actions in various situations is a walk in the park. For example, a good blackjack strategy is always to split Aces, as well as eights. You can read more regarding the game itself on some of the

List of Blackjack Splits
To Split Not to Split
Aces (A) Tens (10)
Eights (8) Fours (4)
Twos (2)* Fives (5)
Threes (3)* Queen (Q)
Sevens (7)* Kings (K)
Sixes (6)** Jacks (J)
Nines (9)***

* When the dealer has a relatively low card, like 7 or lower.
** When the dealer has a 2 through 6 (2,3,4,5,6).
*** When the dealer has 2 through 6, as well as 8 and 9.

Exceptions and Conditions

You can see that the prior table draws your attention to several conditions, determining the splits. They are advices and collected facts from years of blackjack play. It is always a good idea to split As, 2s, 3s, 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s. It is vital to always pay attention to the dealer’s first card. When it is a 7s or higher, better hit. Some players stand with a pair of 7s when the opponent has 10s and As. Always think your actions through, for example when the dealer has an 8 and you a pair of 2s or 3s, better split. With the 6s is the same situation – better split. When 9s appear in your pair, any card different from 2s and 3s will bust you out.

Splitting is not always recommended. Sometimes it will mean ending up with two weaker hands, instead of increasing the chances of success. Great examples on the matter are 4s, 5s and 10s. Keep in mind that splitting requires double the original wager. As a result, splitting the prior is in most cases a money-losing strategy.

What to Do When You Have a Pair of 10s?

Make no plans before ensuring that the casino allows splitting in the first place. Then, sit down and think for a bit. Many blackjack players decide to split a pair of tens, because they will end up with two hands with start up card of 10. Well, the chances of drawing another ten are not so high. Instead of two high hands and double prizes, you most probably will end up with low and losing hands.

The prior tactic is considered unreasonable for the players with more blackjack experience. Well yes, 10 is a very good starting card. Still, a value of 20 is a noteworthy hand. On top of that, losing with such hand is less than rare. At the end, you will realise, that it is always better to have one extraordinary hand than to have two average ones.

We advise you to go for the sure thing, so to speak. Once you split, things can go in totally different direction. Getting 10s or anything over 9s is possible, but the dealer can hit you with 4s and 5s as well, for example. Keep in mind, that a hand of 10s has one of the highest chances of winning and it makes no sense to break it up and take a risk on split hands.

How to Play in Case You Split the Blackjack 10s?

History remembers two pro players recommending blackjack split 10s. First, we have John Scarne in 1949, when gambling computerisation wasn’t used. Second, we have Edward Thorp in 1962, who first used IBM 704 computer for the game. If you run simulation nowadays, the computers will have the same results in almost 100% of the cases – don’t split. Well, when you play Face-Up Blackjack splitting is definitely more suitable.

How to Play if You Split?

Let’s leave computers on a side for a second. Players who can count cards and decide that the left ones in the deck are mainly with high values, then feel free to split. The next situation is also suitable for a blackjack split of tens. The situation is as follows – a blackjack tournament and last hand of a round. Make sure to observe the other player’s chip stack and calculate will you win enough with the pair or you have to split. Avoid splitting on the last hand too often, because it will draw attention and you can be caught in card counting. Moving forward in a tournament is one of the main goals, but not by all means.

Final Thoughts on Either to Split Blackjack Tens or Not

With odds for loosing around 92%, splitting 10s is not a very wise thing to do. Blackjack 10s is one of the most hoped-for pair. Once you do receive it though, make sure to run through every circumstance – dealer, phase of the game, deck, cards and so on. The main opinion on what to do with such cards by some of the best online blackjack websites is not to split. You have already the winning pair. Well, in case you are from those players, that follow the card counting principle, blackjack split 10s should not be ignorant move along with the game. If you want more insight and curious and useful tips, check our page about real money blackjack apps and what you can play on your phone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more intriguing facts concerning blackjack play and splitting pairs like 10s in particular. We have done our research and the answers are short and clear. Read them through and adjust the established tactics to your play.

🔟 Splitting 10s when the dealer shows a 6?

When you have a pair of tens, your score is 20 and is already the closest to blackjack. What is more, 20 beats the dealer’s 6 in any case. Presented like that, your chance of winning is 40%. In the end, the final decision is in your hands, literary.

🃏 Which card pairs better be split?

Aces (A) and eights(8) are always recommended as the perfect pair to be split. Nines (9) are also good for splitting because a total of 18 is not full proof winning score. This is why you should always consider the conditions for splits and pairs.

❓ Is there a strategy for splitting 10s in blackjack?

Use it wisely and try to say ‘no’ more often. Use the splitting strateg wisely and turn a weak hand into two strong ones. Restrain yourself from splitting when you have a pair of 10s. Don’t worry, the best blackjack players know when to and they do avoid splits.

🤔 When to split in blackjack?

Skilled blackjack players are well aware of the game rules and know best what strategy to use in a given moment of the game. Sometimes, splitting the blackjack 10s is really a good option. But you also have to be aware of how to play in case you split the 10s.

☝️ What cards to split in blackjack?

Certainly, the rules of the game can not allow you to do everything that you want to. There are certain conditions and rules that you have to meet while playing by the rules. However, there are cases when you can split certain cards to take advantage of the course of the game.

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